We are negotiating our ICU contract with the hospital. We are a group of private PCC trained physicians . 14 bed ICU plus 6 bed step down.
All pts are admitted under the hospitalists.
Hospital wants us to provide 8 hrs of in house coverage plus overnight ( mostly by phone).
This is an under served area on the east coast.
They hired an outside company VMG to do the numbers and is offering 650K/ yr plus we keep our billing for these patients which according to the company is the 75th...
ICU contract
All pts are admitted under the hospitalists.
Hospital wants us to provide 8 hrs of in house coverage plus overnight ( mostly by phone).
This is an under served area on the east coast.
They hired an outside company VMG to do the numbers and is offering 650K/ yr plus we keep our billing for these patients which according to the company is the 75th...
ICU contract